Wednesday, May 28, 2008

-_-!! Why must I be such an a**hole when I'm sick?

Friday, May 23, 2008

sry can't think of a good title

Had the weirdest dream this morning. I dreamt that over 60 cats (somehow I was able to count them) appeared at the lobby of my flat, and there was a guy asking everyone to grab their own cats before they run away. So while everyone went off hurriedly, all I did was stood next to the guy, who then asked where my cat was. Then I held up my pink cat cushion, pointed to it and said :我的猫在这里。

dexamethasone: a corticosteroid with anti-inflammatory activity. It is used for the treatment of inflammatory conditions and injected intravenously to treat shock and cerebral oedema(swelling of the brain). Side effects include affectation of salt and water balance resulting in retention of sodium and water with consequent fluid retention and high blood pressure. Protein and fat metabolism is affected as well, causing muscle weakness and thinning of skin, with delayed wound healing and stretch marks, as well as fat deposit in the face, shoulders and abdomens. Other side effects include indigestion, increased appetitle and weight gain, acne(oops), increased growth of hair(yay!), mood changes ranging from euphoria to depression to paranoia, insomnia and menstrual irregularities.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

I'm out again. Spent two days in the hospital waiting to start the 7th course but I got sent home instead, due to a sore throat and blocked nose. The docs were afraid that I may get a high fever if I continued with chemo, so I ended up wasting TWO days. What a pity.

Met an extremely consicentious resident doctor who came to do routine checking on me on admission 12 midnight. (I was admitted by 4pm.) Then he had the nerve to ask me if it was possible to draw blood from my CVC line. I, of course, told him that it was better to let nurses handle such 'menial' blood-drawing tasks. Should have given him a hard time instead and asked for his qualifications, but I'm not a mean person, so forget it. He's not the worst though. Another nurse came around asking if I wanted to take my height and weight...IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT. Helloo?? Does anyone SLEEP around here? I totally ignored her. I hope it's not one of the nicer nurses though, coz I may feel a little guilty.