Monday, March 31, 2008

Not again...

After sprouting furiously for two weeks, my hair cells have performed mass kamikaze. Now there are all these adorable stubbles all over my pilllow. They look like eyelashes. How nice. :P

Friday, March 28, 2008

first blog post...boring title...

Yay my first blog post! Used to have a blog actually, but it got axed because it remained inactivated for such a long time...Just decided to start one again, due to prompting from my doctor and everyone's persuasion that I should tear myself away from the TV...haha

My mouth ulcer just got better, thanks to some amazing mouthwash from the doc, so I can finally now enjoy good food again after 1 week of nausea and 1 week of ulcer. :P I think I'm going mad. I dream of food everyday, especially all the spicy stuff like mee siam, otah and fish curry which I have to stay away from for another 3 months (nearly 2, actually). Dreaming of good food makes me happy. At least it got me through two days of ICU where I was forced to lie on the bed 24hrs a day with no food (was too weak to eat), no TV, no entertainment and no strength to do anything at all. Well actually I was too sick to remember much, except for all the delicious food I kept dreaming of.

I only have 3 more courses of treatment left. (yay! :D) Course A is usually much tougher. The nausea, vommitting, uncoordination of mind, palpitations and fatigue lasts longer, even though Course B is actually the more intensive regimen. Can't wait for June to come and for everything to end. I'm starting to plan what I should do to celebrate the end of the the consolidation treatment. Maintenance shouldn't be much of a problem, I hope. Sure, I'll have to get poked at least once a week for more treatment, but at least the worst will be over. :D

And my hair's starting to grow back! And really quite fast too. This includes my eyebrows and eyelashes, so I can soon stop worrying about having to wear a wig whenever I leave the house. I sometimes still forget the fact that I'm nearly bald.

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