Monday, April 7, 2008

Happy Birthday 4/6!

HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY to 4/6!! Congratulations on turning um...2? Or is it 3? When do u start counting anyway? I hope the overseas trip next year (if there is one) will be a weekend one, or else I'll have to give it a miss because I'll be stuck in school doing ergyk.

I think it'll be good if we have a 78 birthday too, although the rate of success might be greatly diminished, based on the attendance rate of the recent supposed class gathering. 6/26 is a fail. =D lol...failing seems to be what we are good at.

I'm admitting today for the 6th course. Yep. It's the 6th already!! Only 2 more to go after this. And then I can get on with my life and go pig out at a Thai restaurant where they'll serve me mountains of spicy food...can't wait... ;P

Sheesh. I just realise blogspot thinks Taiwan is a country.

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