Friday, July 11, 2008

You fat ass. Shall I drop you?

Marian Cross is out!! Woots! He is coolness personified if you ask me. All he did was shoot some puny bullets at Tyki Mikk and everyone single one of them hit him, whereas Lavi + Allen couldn't even touch him to begin with. =D can see lavi's big grin as he attempts to braid Kanda's hair...(Mugen! Activate!)

Watched "Wanted" a few days ago where they used the f-word so many f****** times...=_= The story is about this fraternity of assasins who believe that the names of those fate determined should be dead will appear in fabric in binary code. Sounds ridiculous. I've got loads of garment and clothes at home. Wonder how many names there are on my tee right now...

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