Friday, March 28, 2008

first blog post...boring title...

Yay my first blog post! Used to have a blog actually, but it got axed because it remained inactivated for such a long time...Just decided to start one again, due to prompting from my doctor and everyone's persuasion that I should tear myself away from the TV...haha

My mouth ulcer just got better, thanks to some amazing mouthwash from the doc, so I can finally now enjoy good food again after 1 week of nausea and 1 week of ulcer. :P I think I'm going mad. I dream of food everyday, especially all the spicy stuff like mee siam, otah and fish curry which I have to stay away from for another 3 months (nearly 2, actually). Dreaming of good food makes me happy. At least it got me through two days of ICU where I was forced to lie on the bed 24hrs a day with no food (was too weak to eat), no TV, no entertainment and no strength to do anything at all. Well actually I was too sick to remember much, except for all the delicious food I kept dreaming of.

I only have 3 more courses of treatment left. (yay! :D) Course A is usually much tougher. The nausea, vommitting, uncoordination of mind, palpitations and fatigue lasts longer, even though Course B is actually the more intensive regimen. Can't wait for June to come and for everything to end. I'm starting to plan what I should do to celebrate the end of the the consolidation treatment. Maintenance shouldn't be much of a problem, I hope. Sure, I'll have to get poked at least once a week for more treatment, but at least the worst will be over. :D

And my hair's starting to grow back! And really quite fast too. This includes my eyebrows and eyelashes, so I can soon stop worrying about having to wear a wig whenever I leave the house. I sometimes still forget the fact that I'm nearly bald.

Random pic:

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